Italo Calvino’s “The Distance of the Moon” is one of his multiple Cosmicomics, which are all short stories about space. This one is about a world where the moon orbits elliptically around the Earth, coming close enough to leap to from the ocean. The main character, named “Qfwfq,” ventures out with his fellow sailors and deaf cousin each time the moon dips towards the sea to jump up and harvest the Moon Milk. However, the harvesters realize too late that the Moon is drifting away, which leads to Qfwfq and the Captain’s wife being trapped there for an entire cycle. Qwfwq followed his love for the Captain’s wife, Vhd Vhd, to the Moon, but realizing that she is far too obsessed with the Moon and his deaf cousin, he returns to Earth and leaves her behind to forever travel on the Moon.
This story would be beautifully illustrated, and the writing is vivid enough to clearly picture every moment. While the description of the Moon is kind of odd, what with it being scaly with creamy flesh, the concept of Moon harvesting is so interesting. I’d love to draw certain scenes from this Calvino Cosmicomic: floating between the sea and the Moon, the deaf cousin’s special leap off the surface of the Moon, the Moon so close to the sea it looks like it almost touches the water. So many scenes speak volumes artistically. The cousin and his connection with the Moon would make for a great sequel as well. He was the most interesting character, and I want to know more about where his talent for Moon jumping came from.
I really enjoyed this story, and there's a good chance I'll illustrate those scenes someday soon. To paint an image of your scene with writing is a difficult task, but Calvino aces it.
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