The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, a satirical Sci-Fi radio show written by Douglas Adams, is as entertaining as it is crazy. On the day of Earth’s demolition, Arthur’s alien friend Ford helps him escape into the galaxy, traversing the universe by the seat of their pants and using information from the famous novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy to get them out of dozens of hair-raising, life threatening situations. From the President of the Universe to a paranoid android, the dynamic duo meet a wild array of characters in space and have the adventure of a lifetime.
This radio show took me by surprise. I expected to like the story (and, of course, I did), but the production value was amazing! The radio show was complete with multiple voice actors, autotune, and sound effects. It was fantastic! I was quickly brought in within the first five minutes, and it kept my attention throughout the 12-part series.
The writing is absolutely hilarious, the humor clever and the characters witty. I laughed out loud at some of the jokes, and you can tell that Douglas Adams was having fun when writing it. Some of the ideas in it were incredibly creative, as well. The improbability machine is something I’ve never heard of in fiction before, and the restaurant at the end of the universe was one of my favorite locations the characters stumble upon. The story takes jabs at and discusses religion and government power, something you wouldn’t necessarily expect from this wacky space adventure, but putting real life topics in a comedy gives it the levity it needs.
I loved Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, and I highly recommend it to anyone into comedic Sci-Fi and Monty Python style humor.
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